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Monday 7 April 2014


The Temple of San Juan del Hospital site in Ratchet Street Knights # 5 of the city of Valencia ( Spain ) is a building styles gothic and baroque built in the thirteenth century on land donated by James I to the Knights of the order St. John Hospital and Malta , to which is added the bell tower in the seventeenth century.

The "Priory of the Knights of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem" is, according to news Teixidor, the first church built in Valencia, after the Cathedral, which justified its place of honor in processions without being parish. Its foundation is due to the concession made ​​by King James I at the time of the conquest of Valencia to St John Knight of Hugo Folcalquier , lieutenant of the Master of their order in the Crown of Aragon, of lands by the door of the Xerea to establish this priory headquarters there.

Here a church dedicated to San Juan Bautista holder, corresponding to the specific care tasks of this military order that was called hospital rose Jerusalem Order of the Hospital of Rhodes and of Malta ; one convent and cemetery for deceased Knights own hospital. All was built between 1238 and 1261, the convent being finished entirely before 1316.

The church is preceded by a courtyard (a baroque house) with ceramic pictures Via Crucis , where these loose elements and architectural remains of buildings that made ​​up the foundation are preserved.
Next to this stands the tiny courtyard bell tower of the first half of the seventeenth century and he side door of the church consists of a rectangular frame with his smooth mediopunto, crowned by a beautiful layout window opens in equilateral warhead whose center does not coincide the door, and which bears the delicate tracery design of a Maltese cross.
Another similar and symmetrical across the ship composition gives way to cover certain remains of conventual and arcosolios freires Cemetery. Among the buildings that occupy this part is a curious chapel interesting in its smallness, circus-style and consists of two sections and polygonal head, ribbed vaults on smooth columns capitals, which has often been mistakenly considered as the primitive trecentista church.
The true church is to ship only occupies an area of 36 m long by 19 m wide, and is made ​​by a pointed vault with plementería stone on thick fajones which rest on corbels and a polygonal apse of five sides covered with ribbed, where the presbytery . It was built in the late thirteenth century and is lit by windows torn pointed style; wider central, with tracery and decorated with attached columns. On the nerves of stone, brick vaults are blight and end walls are later work of the fourteenth century, two chapels piercing high walls with pointed Archivolts and develop between the buttresses.

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